Fabulous Free Resources and Ideas

I know that great resources and information are vital for any form of catechesis but when you are supporting people who face barriers to learning it can be hard to find exactly what will work for someone. This means that access to free resources or ideas becomes invaluable as there are more things you canContinue reading “Fabulous Free Resources and Ideas”

You don’t know your impact

When a drop of rain falls onto a pond you can see the ripples and the ripples from that droplet can reach a long way: that’s the way that faith works. If someone really believes in God and lives their faith then their actions can have ripples through time that they could never imagine. IfContinue reading “You don’t know your impact”

The Holy Spirit

Inclusive Catechesis can often rely on very visual resources to explain principles: it can make much more sense, when you are trying to understand something, if you have an image to help you understand. As Catholics we are very blessed to have a very visual tradition from which we can draw ideas and images thatContinue reading “The Holy Spirit”

Complex Learning Difficulties: What does this mean?

When people hear the term ‘learning difficulty’ they often think of cognitive difficulties and many people will find their thoughts jump immediately to Down’s Syndrome. This is often because when TV programmes, internet articles or papers want to show a visual image to go with an article about learning difficulties they tend to use aContinue reading “Complex Learning Difficulties: What does this mean?”

Lent is Nearly Upon Us

First of all I have to apologise for my absence over recent weeks: unfortunately illness has struck in one form or another for myself and those close to me and its meant that I haven’t been able to write. Health allowing I am back! Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday and that can only mean that onContinue reading “Lent is Nearly Upon Us”

The Most Holy Name of Jesus

January is the month in which the Church rejoices in the Holy Name of Jesus . At first glance a ‘name’ is a simple concept but when you are trying to explain this concept to children who face barriers to learning, you may soon realise that its not simple at all without the right tools.Continue reading “The Most Holy Name of Jesus”

More Advent Resource Ideas

Following on from my last post I wanted to make a few more ideas that may help someone reading. The first recommendation is for adults who may struggle with a daily devotional due to caring commitments but would like to participate in something special for Advent. Last year I had the pleasure of joining theContinue reading “More Advent Resource Ideas”

Advent 2022 Resources

When you talk about resources for children who face barriers to learning you aren’t talking about one specific set of resources as every child is different and has different strengths and faces different challenges. The best way to support children to learn about Advent and enjoy learning about the start of the Liturgical Year isContinue reading “Advent 2022 Resources”

Confusion and Consumerism

This post may be a little late for All Hallows Eve this year but it may come in handy for Advent, Christmas and Easter! One of the big issues with Christian Holy Days is that they have now become Commercial Holidays. Whether its certain Irish Dry Stout makers encouraging consumption of their product because itsContinue reading “Confusion and Consumerism”

All Saints Day is Coming!

All Saints Day is FABULOUS! It gives us the chance to think about all of the Saints who have gone before, us: those whose names we know and those whose names may have been lost in the mists of time. One of the things that makes this such a special feast is that there isContinue reading “All Saints Day is Coming!”