The Rosary Challenge

Although there can be negatives about social media one of the big positives is that you can learn about people doing amazing work to share the Faith that you might not otherwise hear about. This week Therese from The First Saturday Shop highlighted the work done by The Mark 10 Mission and in particular their Rosary Challenge for October. I was totally unaware of both the Mission and the Challenge but as soon as I looked at both I was excited!

Lets start with The Rosary Challenge! The Challenge aims to encourage us to support children to say one decade of the rosary every week day in October. There are short videos to help and a lovely tracker sheet designed by The First Saturday Shop that is free to download. Saying the Rosary can be incredibly difficult for children who face barriers to learning. It requires concentration and the ability to multitask and it can be overwhelming for some children.

The Rosary Challenge Tracker by First Saturday Shop

This challenge breaks it down into smaller manageable pieces and even if a child is unable to physically say the prayers or use beads, they can be present and watch the videos and you can say the prayer for them and explain what the focus of each decade is each day. Every child is different and some children may find it difficult to try something new, so its important just to keep the pressure off and see what works for the child you are supporting: even if you can’t say the whole decade but can say one Hail Mary and talk about what you are thinking about as you say it then that is a result!

Now lets talk about the Mark 10 Mission and their website! I have only scratched the surface of their resources and I love them. There are songs with actions and Little Liturgies which are designed to be played in schools but are really great and may help at home. Its worth looking through what they have on their website and seeing if there is anything that would work for a child you are supporting.

All views and opinions are my own but hopefully you will find The Mark 10 Mission and The Rosary Challenge helpful!

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