Celebrate Advent Resources

If you are looking for Advent Resources then you may well find what you need in the latest Celebrate Advent 2023 Family Pack which you can access via this link: https://www.celebratetrust.org/ The pack includes ideas for activities, books you may enjoy, and family films that you can watch together during Advent. (The Star is aContinue reading “Celebrate Advent Resources”

Advent Atmosphere

One of the things that the Catholic church excels at is helping people to use their senses to worship and focus on God: We have a wealth of visual resources from a rich supply of art that has been commissioned by or created for the Church for hundreds of years and powerful symbolism which canContinue reading “Advent Atmosphere”

The New Church Year Approaches

The start of the new Church Year is nearly upon us and for many people the challenge of enjoying the spiritual benefits of the Advent season is lost amongst anticipation (both positive and negative) of Christmas. Advent is an incredibly important period in its own right and Emma from Tanglewood Atelier recently shared the belowContinue reading “The New Church Year Approaches”

The Rosary Challenge

Although there can be negatives about social media one of the big positives is that you can learn about people doing amazing work to share the Faith that you might not otherwise hear about. This week Therese from The First Saturday Shop highlighted the work done by The Mark 10 Mission and in particular theirContinue reading “The Rosary Challenge”


Michaelmas, otherwise known as the Feast of St Michael the Archangel, is approaching (29th September) and I have noticed that many children who face barriers to learning and inclusion seem to be drawn to St Michael. Perhaps it is the fact that he is a defender that makes him stand out: whatever sparks this interestContinue reading “Michaelmas”

Sacrament of Reconciliation Resources

The Sacrament of Reconciliation can be difficult to explain to some children and can make others fearful as they worry about talking about times they have made the wrong choice. This can be particularly difficult when children find that they often get things ‘wrong’ as can be the case with some children who face barriersContinue reading “Sacrament of Reconciliation Resources”

Celebrate Summer Resources

I don’t think I can be the only person who sees their email inbox filling up and just knows that 90% of the emails will be trying to sell me something. The very positive thing about that is that the other 10% can really bring joy and when I received an email from Claire Fernandes,Continue reading “Celebrate Summer Resources”


Have you every noticed that when people are anxious they don’t know what to do with their hands? Some people play with their hair, pick at their fingers, bite their nails or pick imaginary bits of fluff off their clothes. Others may sew or knit to calm themselves, or use their hands to tidy theContinue reading “Rosaries”

Praying the Rosary – Loyola Learning Tools

Not all resources work for everyone: this is a rule of thumb for everyone as we all learn differently. Another thing to consider is that not all resources need to be used the same way for everyone. Today I’m going to talk about the Praying the Rosary resource from Loyola Press and different ways youContinue reading “Praying the Rosary – Loyola Learning Tools”

Lent Theme 2023

This year I wanted to set myself a ‘Lent Theme’. The idea behind this was to allow myself a foundation to build on with activities throughout Lent: I want everything to tie together so that when we get to Easter I feel that I have tried my best to make Lent meaningful. There are soContinue reading “Lent Theme 2023”