Holy Week Resources

Holy Week is the most important week of the Church year and there are some great resources available to help support inclusive catechesis. There are a number of great resources out there but the resources I have been using to prepare for Holy Week (and that would be great to use during Holy Week orContinue reading “Holy Week Resources”

Meds, meds, meds

We are all different and at one time or another I’m sure we have had medication for one reason or another and supported other people with medication when they have been ill. Maybe you have picked up a prescription for a friend, or helped a child take cough mixture?Our knowledge on medication is based onContinue reading “Meds, meds, meds”

Advent – The Wait Begins

Today marks the start of the Liturgical year and the start of the Advent ‘waiting period’ that leads up to Christmas. This is a time when we reflect on what changes we need to make before Jesus comes again and is often referred to as a journey. In his books Finding My Way Home, HenriContinue reading “Advent – The Wait Begins”

Reinforcing Learning

Reinforcing learning is one of the most important aspects of any type of teaching, because everyone learns in different ways. What may feel obvious to you can feel far from obvious to someone else as we are all unique in the way we learn and our life experiences are unique too. So what is reinforcingContinue reading “Reinforcing Learning”